How many times have you made an excuse as to why you cannot achieve that goal? Whether you have too little time or money limitations. We have all made an excuse at one point or another. Truth is, you are only compromising your own chances of success. Not going to the gym or not starting that business you have always dreamed of – impacts you and only you.
Don’t fear the unknown, your dream may come true
We are always so scared to put ourselves out there and just dive in. But why? If you are persistent with your dreams and continue to adapt you will be successful. What do you have to lose? If something doesn’t work out, accept that it didn’t work and adapt your strategy or move on to the next thing.
Stop overthinking.
Everything that you want is within your reach. Nothing is impossible. The majority of the time, the only thing standing in our way is ourselves. The more time you spend debating if you should do this thing – the more time you could have been building it and becoming better at it. The only way to find out if something is for you is just to try it!
Living with regret vs stepping outside of your comfort zone
You have two choices; carry on as you are and regret not pushing yourself and wondering what if? Or step outside of your comfort zone and go for what you want. The possibilities are endless if you are brave enough to pursue your dreams. Why risk finding happiness and fulfilment because you are too scared of change?
Small steps towards that big goal
I have found the best way to start changing your mindset is to give yourself smaller tasks to complete. You need to get used to getting things done. Then, gradually give yourself bigger or more difficult tasks. You need to learn to not give up when things aren’t easy. Continuously doing this over a period of time you will see how much you have achieved. When you overthink, you give your brain time to come up with reasons to put you off.
Stop Making Excuses.
I’ve been through this journey myself recently and I’ve got to a point where I just want to prove to myself that I can achieve my dreams. I know that I can and I know that I let myself get in my own way. No one is going to hand anything to you, you have to get out there and seize the opportunities in front of you.
Let me know what you have been putting off doing. Or something that you are still not sure about doing – I would love to help!
Read more:
- Should you start a Blog or Youtube channel in 2019?
- All of my blogging tutorials & resources
- Why I Removed My Pipdig Theme
- How To Make Your Pinterest Viewers & Referrals Skyrocket
- Is Sacrifice The Key To Success?
- Start Your Side Hustle NOW!
- The Secret To Living A Happy Life In Your 20s
- How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet!
- 10 Bad Habits That Hold You Back From Success
- 10 Ways To Kickstart Your Blogging Motivation
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