If you enjoy reading about different morning routines you have probably come across the term ‘scripting‘. I’ll admit when I first heard about it, I was extremely sceptical. How is it possible that by writing a series of words repeatedly can manifest things into your life? Let’s discuss what it is, how you can do it and finally my experience so far.

Manifest Your Dream Life Using Law Of Attraction Scripting
I’ve done a little research into how people are using the scripting technique and have found that there seem to be two popular ways to do it:
Journal Scripting
To use this method you are going to write a journal entry, however, it’s a little different to a normal journal. You are going to write about the things you want to manifest. For example, I am so grateful to be financially independent. The key is to talk about the things you want to manifest as if they have already happened.
Affirmation Scripting
This is the technique that I use. I created a list of affirmations that fill up an A5 page and repeat the same script everyday. You can use personal affirmations or similar to the technique above, writing about the things you wish to manifest as if you already have them.
So how does Law Of Attraction Scripting Work?
Simply put, you are essentially training your brain to think positive on a subconscious level. You really have to believe what you are writing. If you are using the affirmation technique, guess what, once you believe what you are writing, it is going to appear in your everyday life.
Will it make a brand new car appear on your driveway? I wish it would but, no. It’s all about changing your mindset, which will in turn encourage you to make better decisions that are going to get you to that goal.
Has it worked for me?
Throughout the past year I have added scripting into my morning routine. When I first started I had just returned from travelling and wanted to pick up better habits. Also, I was curious to see if scripting had any effect on my life. During this time, I got a new job offer. It was only a temporary role and found myself unemployed again around 5 months later and picked up scripting again. Guess what, another job offer and I made my first few affiliate sales through blogging. That’s not to say that these things came to me easily, I faced rejections, applying for roles that weren’t really ideal etc. But I ended up with offers for perfect roles for the position I was at in my life.
I really enjoy the process of writing out my affirmations, but also the shift it takes on my mindset. I feel much more motivated for the day ahead and confident in my abilities (part of my script by the way!).
Have you tried scripting before? Would love to hear any stories from your results!

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