Happy New Year! Hello January, the perfect time for a mindset reset and a rethink of your lifestyle habits. The key to changing your life is to clearly set out goals and having a solid plan to follow. I’ve made myself a reading challenge for 2021 – you can follow mine or create your own! Either way, I hope this inspires you to do a challenge this year or you find some books that catch your eye.
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2021 Reading Challenge
I would class myself as a ‘binge reader’, I find a book, I get really into it and then I cannot put it down. Sometimes, I can read pretty quickly, other times I am hanging on to the same books for months. When I started researching reading challenges, I found that the goal was far too high. I needed to find something that’s achievable. I have picked out 12 books: 1 for each month. All of these have been on my to-read list for a long time, which made it easy to drill down my choices. You could add more for the year or maybe leave slots blank to allow for new releases. Here are my 12 picks, all in the self-development realm.
Why Men Love Bitches*
The 5 Second Rule*
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life*
The Four Agreements*
White Fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism*
Good Vibes, Good Life*
Adventures For Your Soul*
The 4-Hour Work Week*
Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life*
Mindset – Changing The Way You Think To Fulfil Your Potential*
The Power of Now*
Atomic Habits*
Have you read any of these? Let me know if you have any recommendations for similar books. If you have chosen to do a reading challenge I would love to hear about your goals and some of the books you are most excited about reading.

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