Nothing changes, if nothing changes

December 12, 2020 in Self-Development

Do you ever feel like you are going around in circles? Living your day to day life but nothing is progressing. You have loads of decisions to make but don’t know which road to take. It’s like you are waiting for the next big thing to happen in your life. Maybe you don’t have to wait, the power is already in your hands to change your reality.

Nothing changes, if nothing changes

You can be either of these types of people; One who lets life happen to them or one who takes control and pursues their goals and desires. There’s no point sitting around complaining about things that aren’t going in your favor. What can you do to help yourself right in this present moment?

Stop overthinking.

Whatever it is that you need to make a decision on, give yourself a deadline to finalize it. If you continue to overthink, you are going to create problems and obstacles in which will delay your ability to execute your plan. This is especially true when risk is involved; be it a new business venture or moving to a new place. If you really want something, you shouldn’t let the fear of the unknown stop you. You can’t plan everything, sometimes you need to jump in and find out where something takes you. MUST-READ: 5 steps to change your life.

Calculate your worst case scenario

Back when I was studying Business Management at University, we had a business strategy class. One of the concepts I remember in this class was about the best and worst-case scenarios. If you plan for your worst-case scenario, it’s not going to be all that bad! This is the same with your life. I believe this actually helps with maintaining a level of happiness and contentment. Most likely, our brain’s worst-case scenario is so unlikely to happen that it never gets that bad in reality. Get nervous and anxious before an interview? More often than not, it goes much better than you envisioned, right?!

Don’t waste your youth

As the saying goes, the youth is wasted on the young. Don’t be that person that looks back with regret when they are too old to act upon it. Do the things that interest and intrigue you now. Realistically, you can always go back from a decision that you made or fix something that didn’t go as planned, but you can’t turn back time once you are older. MUST-READ: Why you shouldn’t put your dreams on hold.

Learn to embrace change

The idea of change can be daunting, but when you get comfortable with it, you become excited about it. There’s nothing better when you are going through a rough time, than being absolutely certain that things will improve. How does it get better? Your life changes! You experience new things, meet new people, overcome challenges, and achieve things that you probably thought were not possible. MUST-READ: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Over the last few weeks, I made decisions and finalized things that are going to shift my reality for 2021. My life isn’t the same as this time last year and it will shift again by this time next year. Life comes with ups and downs, sometimes heartbreak, sometimes extreme happiness. It’s just life and it’s beautiful. Stop thinking, start doing. Tell me something you are going to challenge yourself to do in 2021.

Struggling with a quarter-life crisis? Read this.

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