There’s nothing worse than having a lot of noise in your head. You can’t relax, you overthink everything. You’re living the past over and over and you are anxious about the future. It’s an exhausting way to live. But how can you silence the noise? Here are 9 ways to help you find inner peace.

1. What are the problems?
What exactly are you worrying and stressing about? Are you stuck on the same problems that you are refusing to face and actually find a solution for? Sometimes the fix is easier than we think. It just may take some effort to execute. What can you do right now? There really is no point panicking about something that you have no control over at this moment in time. If there’s nothing you can do to help yourself right away, then stop worrying about it.
2. Let go of what you can’t control
Whether internal or external factors, you need to let go of what you can’t control. Things will happen to you that were unexpected, that’s life. Go with the flow and work out what you can do from the present moment. Just because things seem to be off-track doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Maybe you are being redirected toward something better.
3. Your thoughts are not reality
For some reason, it seems we are hardwired to think the worst inside our minds. Many times we aren’t kind to ourselves. Our brain can paint pictures of situations way worse than they actually are. It takes a little bit of work to try and change this way of thinking but it is possible. Train yourself to see the best in situations, most of the time, you can find a silver lining. Read my post: Illusion vs. Reality | Comparing yourself to others.

4. Be an open communicator
We are not mind readers, when you communicate openly you can save yourself a ton of worrying. It’s a shame not everyone is like this – that’s a whole post for another time! If something is playing on your mind, just talk about it, the situation may not be as you thought they were. Treat others how you wish to be treated, nobody wants to have their time wasted.
5. Stop putting things off
Have you ever been putting something off for a long time, then when you finally complete it, you felt so much better? We can let things hang over our head, which adds to the noise. Allocate yourself time just to catch up on the things you need to get done. I promise you will feel a whole lot lighter and organized.
6. Clearly defined work/life balance
When I first graduated and was in my first post-grad role, I was working a lot of hours and on a shift pattern. It made for a very difficult social life and just made me feel like I was just living to work. Work/life balance is so important for our mental and physical health. Now that so many people are working from home, it’s important to keep a line between the two and switch off when it’s the end of the workday. Read my post: 5 ways to stay productive whilst working from home.
7. Get rid of anything that disrupts your peace
As the quote says “if it costs your peace, it’s too expensive”. Life is short and sometimes we really overcomplicate something that could be simple. Be honest, if something is adding difficulty to your life, it’s time to let go. Where this isn’t possible, look for the best in the situation. With a job, for example, think about what you do like about it and the fact that so many people have lost their jobs this year.

8. Focus on being in the moment
I am a nightmare for multi-tasking. This isn’t always a good thing. If I’m watching a film, chances are, I’m on my phone or laptop also. It’s quite nice to have some extra noise if you are on your own, however, there have been times with family when I’ve done it. This year has taught me to be more present in the moment. Especially, if you are on a device just to scroll. Focus on having more quality time with those around you. Cutting down those moments of scrolling will help with feeling less drained from information overload.
9. Find more time FOR YOU
How often do you do things just for you? Or do you follow or agree with what someone else wants. You don’t have to feel bad for saying you need some time out and just taking an evening for yourself. We can’t be all ‘go, go, go’ all the time. Sometimes we make ourselves really busy as a distraction, it’s so important to use time to reflect and actually think about what you really want in the future. If you don’t, you will get years down the line and wonder, where did I go wrong? When you never set the destination to begin with. Read my post: Love Yourself First.
Do you recognize yourself in any of these points? Any bad habits that you are trying to shake? What are your favourite things to do to bring find your inner peace?

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