How many times have you put a reason behind why you can’t do something? Always waiting for that ‘perfect’ time. Life is unpredictable, we have no idea what is ahead of us. One thing is for sure, the future may not be as stable or perfect circumstances as we would have hoped. That ‘perfect time’, is right now.
Why you shouldn’t put your dreams on hold
Face your fears
The main reason we put things off is that we are either scared to fail or just scared to do the thing entirely. Be honest with yourself, are you just scared of the unknown? The best thing to do in that case is to challenge yourself to smaller things. When you start completing them you will be more excited to go for your other goals. The fear will still exist you just have to decide that the experience is worth pushing past the uncertainty.
You think you have time
When I hit 25, I suddenly had this realization that time is in fact moving forward. While growing up its fun to be getting older and imagining how your life would be. But the older you get, the more you realize your life hasn’t quite turned out how you imagined it would. Some of these things cannot be controlled or planned. When you are younger you just think, 25 is old, I will be married with kids by then. Having now got to this point, there are still things I want to do before I’m happy to move to that next stage. I have started to realise that I need to start doing these things before it’s too late. I don’t want to look back and think ‘I wish I had done that’.
Create your own expectations
The further you get into your 20s, the more people around you seem to be settling down, buying houses and having children. This does not mean that this is the path for you and there is nothing wrong with wanting something different. I am proud to say that over the last 5 years, I have left my comfort zone, quit jobs I didn’t like, went traveling, left relationships I wasn’t happy in.
To me, that’s what life is about, experiencing it to the fullest. Rather than rushing to tie yourself down at the earliest opportunity, then feeling sad about the things that wouldn’t really be an option to me anymore. That’s not to say you are completely stuck, however, I wouldn’t have been able to do most of the things I have done in the last 5 years had I chosen a different path.
What makes you happy?
It all comes down to this one factor, what makes you happy? Don’t do something because that’s what everyone else is doing. Don’t stretch yourself to get a new car because others have one. Ask yourself, what is going to make me happy and enjoy my life on a daily basis. Maybe you would like to change career or start a business. The time is right now. Why wait any longer living a life that you aren’t completely happy in?
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