How you set yourself up for the day ahead often has a huge impact on how your day unfolds. If you pay attention to self care and improving your mindset, you are going to feel creative, the ideas will be flowing and you will get more done. This doesn’t mean that your day will be perfect, however, you will be better equipped to deal with any problems that arise. Ever noticed how when the day starts out bad, it seems to get worse and nothing goes right? It’s all down to mindset and how you choose to react.
15 Morning rituals for a positive day
1. Get up early
There’s nothing worse than sleeping in, then waking up still feeling tired and uninspired. Immediately you are thinking about the time you have lost. You end up writing the day off before you even start. Make sure you get your 8 hours sleep and plan what time to wake up by working out how much time you need to get everything done that day.
2. Gratitude
Start your day with a positive thought, by thinking about a couple of things you are grateful for. By shifting to an abundance mindset you are going to be a lot happier with your life, because you are choosing to acknowledge the good and not what you lack. Remember, thoughts become things!
3. Affirmations/Scripting/Journal
A great way to shift your mindset and silence your subconscious is to practice affirmations / scripting / journalling. If you are unsure on these rituals, I suggest researching them and giving them a try.
4. Read
The mornings always tend to be rushed and a bit manic so I think a great way to slow down a little is to read. Even if you only have time to read a few pages or a chapter. I love reading self help books, they provide a lot of knowledge on mindset and entrepreneurship.
5. Make your bed
A very simple one, but i’m adding it to this list. MAKE YOUR BED. Doing so allows you to complete something as soon as you wake up. Also, it’s less likely that you are going to end up getting back in it!
6. Let in natural light
Whats better than waking up and letting in all the natural light and opening up the windows? It makes you feel fresh and alert for the day ahead. Sitting in a dark room is just going to make you feel tired and unproductive.
7. Exercise
Even if you don’t have time in the morning for a full workout routine, I recommend stretching or doing a couple of exercises as soon as you get out of bed to get your blood flowing. As we know, exercise releases endorphins, which boosts your mood!
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8. Listen to music
I have recently been listening to a ‘wake up happy’ playlist on YouTube and it just helps me feel so much better in the morning. Music has a powerful influence on your mood, so embrace it.
9. Hydrate
There are many benefits to drinking water first thing in the morning, there are loads of articles available online if you would like to learn more. If like me, you struggle to drink your 2L a day, drinking first thing in the morning is a great way to boost your intake.
10. Self Care
Every morning, it’s so important to look after yourself. Even if you keep it minimal, make sure you shower, brush your teeth etc. If you like to get glammed up everyday, do it! Taking care of yourself helps you feel more confident.
11. Eat a healthy breakfast
Put down the sugar coated cereals and swap your breakfast options to something healthy. When you load up on sugar first thing in the morning, you are going to find that in a few hours you are going to have a sugar crash. I really love porridge with cinnamon or yogurt, granola & fruit.
12. Have a plan for the day
I can’t tell you how much something as simple as having a to-do list has made to my daily routine. When I don’t make one, I find I get to the afternoon and feel a bit lost. By giving yourself direction you are going to complete a lot more throughout the day. If you struggle with procrastination, this is a great tool to help keep you focused.
13. De-clutter workspace
It’s really difficult to get focused when your surroundings are a mess. Do a quick clean up in the morning so you can power on throughout the rest of the day.
14. Start with most difficult task
We all tend to put off the things we don’t want to do, however, if you get this out of the way first, when you have the most energy, you can spend the rest of the day doing fun/easier tasks.
15. Limit TV and social media
These are two huge causes of distraction and procrastination. They also can cause us to start comparing our lives to others and doubting ourselves. Dedicate your morning to improving you and your life.
The key thing to remember when creating a morning routine you want to stick to is, making a routine that works for you. Think about your schedule and what you physically have time for. Maybe some of these things would work better in your evening routine. Try different things and see which is most effective.
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