5 Things To Consider Before Setting Your 2020 Goals

December 30, 2019 in Productivity, Self-Development

We all know the feeling, a new year is approaching and all of a sudden you come up with all of these weird and wonderful resolutions. More often than not these just seem to vanish before we have even gotten through January. It doesnt have to be this way, you can set yourself up for success with some strategic planning.

How do you want your life to look in 2020?

I think that we often forget just how much of our life is in our own control. We can feel fed up in situations that we don’t want to be in, but ultimately we have the power to change this. Take some time to consider what it is that you want and what will truly make you happy. When you have a clear picture of what you want, work backwards and create goals that will get you to that point.

Establish the root of a problem

If you feel that you require some substantial changes in your life. It is important to work out what the cause of the problem is; you don’t want to remove elements from your life that were not causing the issue to begin with. You may find that one main issue is causing problems in other areas, so it’s important you establish what is the actual problem.

5 things to consider before setting your 2020 goals - hayleyxmartin

Can you solve a larger constraint problem rather than having lots of smaller goals?

I think we are all guilty of charging into a new year with tons of goals that we believe will completely transform our lives. How many times can you recall this strategy being successful? Chances are you became overwhelmed and started to let things slide. A different way to approach things is to look at the bigger picture. Are you struggling with having the time to do more things? maybe you could cut down the time you spend on social media or watching tv. This will then free up more time than you even thought you had free, creating more time to do the things you never get round to.

Remember your why

Now is when you have to be really honest with yourself. If you have followed the first point correctly then you should be fine. Just remember to think about the goals you are setting for yourself and the impact it will have on your life. Make sure it’s something that you want and not just something you have seen that someone else has. If you aren’t really passionate about something, chances are you won’t stay motivated.

Breakdown measureable goals

Savings/budget – any goals that are measurable, are pretty easy to work with. It’s just easier said than done when it comes to completing it. If you have a savings goal, you can easily workout how much you need to put away each month to then meet your goal. If you can set up an automatic transfer, the only thing getting in the way of you meeting your goal – is you transferring the funds back and spending it.

What are your main causes of failure when it comes to your new year goals? I hope these tips will help you to avoid downfall this year! ✨

Let me know what your main goal is for 2020 ⬇️❤️

Read more: Self-Development or Productivity


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